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Quaderno Templates extends Liquid providing new useful tags for your business' documents.


Template labels are the Quaderno way to output common words such as "Invoice" or "Number".

Labels are always translated into the contact's language, so it’s a good practice to use labels instead of plain words to take full advantage of translations.

To customize your translations, go to the Translations page.

English labelCode
Title ¹{{ title }}
Invoice{{ labels.invoice }}
Estimate{{ labels.estimate }}
Receipt{{ labels.receipt }}
Number{{ labels.number }}
Issue date{{ labels.issue_date }}
Subject{{ labels.subject }}
PO Number{{ labels.po_number }}
Description{{ labels.description }}
Quantity{{ labels.quantity }}
Unit price{{ labels.unit_price }}
Amount{{ labels.amount }}
Subtotal{{ labels.subtotal }}
Discount{{ }}
Total{{ }}
Exchange{{ }}
Due date{{ labels.due_date }}
Valid until{{ labels.valid_until }}
Payment details{{ labels.payment_details }}
Notes{{ labels.notes }}
Tax ID{{ labels.tax_id }}
Phone{{ }}
E-mail{{ }}
From{{ labels.from }}
To{{ }}
Paid{{ labels.paid }}
Related document ²{{ labels.related_document }}

¹ computes to {{ labels.invoice }} or {{ labels.estimate }}

² like a refunded invoice for a credit note


Template variables are pieces of data to be included in your documents.


Information about your Quaderno account.

Full name{{ account.full_name }}
Trade Name{{ account.trade_name }}
Tax ID (your business number){{ account.tax_id }}
Formatted address{{ account.formatted_address }}
First line of the street address{{ account.street_line_1 }}
Second line of the street address{{ account.street_line_2 }}
Postal code{{ account.postal_code }}
City{{ }}
Region{{ account.region }}
Country ISO code{{ }}
Phone 1{{ account.phone_1 }}
E-mail address{{ }}
Web address{{ account.web }}
Logo URL{{ account.logo_url }}
Color Scheme{{ account.color_scheme }}


Information about the document.

Number{{ document.number }}A unique, sequential code that identifies the document.
Issue date{{ document.issue_date }}The date of the document’s issue - not necessarily the date the products or services were provided. Liquid date filters are available.
Subject{{ document.subject }}An optional summary description of the document.
PO number{{ document.po_number }}Optional field representing the purchase order number.
Subtotal{{ document.subtotal }}Amount before any discount or tax is applied. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Discount{{ }}Discount amount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Gross Amount{{ document.gross_amount }}Subtotal - Discount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Tax Id{{ document.tax_id }}The customer’s tax identification number.
Type{{ document.type }}Invoice, Receipt, Credit, Expense, Estimate, Recurring
Country{{ }}The customer’s billing country.
Total{{ }}Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Amount Paid{{ document.amount_paid }}Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Amount Due{{ document.amount_due }}Total - Amount Paid. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Exchange{{ }}The exchanged amount when the transaction currency differs from the account's default currency. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Exchange rate{{ document.exchange_rate }}The exchange rate used when the transaction currency differs from the account's default currency.
Currency{{ document.currency }}Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase.
Payment details{{ document.payment_details }}Detailed information about the payment.
Due date{{ document.due_date }}Date by which payment is expected. Liquid date filters are available.
Days past due{{ document.days_past_due }}For invoices, days past the due date, if there's one.
Valid until{{ document.valid_until }}Expiration date for estimates. Beyond this date, the estimate is outdated and it cannot be accepted anymore. Liquid date filters are available.
Notes{{ document.notes }}Any note added to the document.
State{{ document.state }}The status of the document, like "outstanding", "paid", or "refunded".
Secure ID{{ document.secure_id }}Identify your document without compromising its real ID.
Processor{{ document.processor }}Integration (from Quaderno's Settings > Integrations) used to import the document.
Processor Id{{ document.processor_id }}Unique document identifier from the integration (from Quaderno's Settings > Integrations) used to import the document.
Auto?{{ }}Boolean. Returns true when the document has been imported using one of the integrations in Quaderno's Settings > Integrations.
Reverse Charged?{{ document.reverse_charged? }}Boolean. Returns true when reverse charge applies. Check Showing reverse charge legal notes in your B2B invoices for details.
Billing address{{ document.billing_address }}The customer’s billing address.
Shipping address{{ document.shipping_address }}The customer’s shipping address. Only for physical products (product type "goods").
Legal notes{{ }}Returns the account’s legal notes, configurable in Preferences. Usually, this would be some legal information about your bussiness, which varies from country to country.
Related document number{{ document.related_document_number }}On invoices, it’s a credit note. On credits, it’s the refunded invoice.
Related document type{{ document.related_document_type }}Either "Invoice" or "Credit".
Related document date{{ document.related_document_date }}Related document issue date.

Document collections

The document model also has collections. Collections consist of several objects which you can traverse with, for example, a for loop:

{% for item in document.items %}
Your logic here.
{% endfor %}

Document collections are:

Items{{ document.items}}Refer to Document Item reference.
Taxes{{ document.taxes }}Refer to Document Tax reference.
Payments{{ document.payments }}Refer to Payment reference.
Tags{{ document.tag_list }}Each element is a tag, used to classify your documents.

Document item

Information about an item within the document. Iterating the collection with a variable called document_item:

Description{{ document_item.description }}Description of the product.
Unit price{{ document_item.unit_price }}Price. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Quantity{{ document_item.quantity }}Quantity of the product.
Discount rate{{ document_item.discount_rate }}Discount percent out of 100, if applicable.
Tax 1 rate{{ document_item.tax_1_rate }}Rate of the tax, if applicable. This is a shorcut to access the tax rate within the item. To get the full details about the document's taxes, check the Document Tax collection.
Tax 2 rate{{ document_item.tax_2_rate }}Additional rate of the tax, if applicable. Usually, an additional local tax.
Subtotal{{ document_item.subtotal }}Quantity * Unit Price. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Gross Amount{{ document_item.gross_amount }}Subtotal - Discount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Total Amount{{ document_item.total_amount }}Subtotal - Discount + Tax Amount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)

Document tax

Information about a tax within the document. Iterating the collection with a variable called document_tax:

Label{{ document_tax.label }}Readable name of the tax applied, if any. Example: "IVA (21%)"
Taxable base{{ document_tax.taxable_base }}Taxable base. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Rate{{ document_tax.rate }}Rate of the tax, if applicable. Output format: [quantity]% (e.g. 21%)
Amount{{ document_tax.amount }}Tax amount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Country{{ }}The tax’s country.
Region{{ document_tax.region }} The tax’s region.
Currency{{ document_tax.currency }} The tax’s currency.
Local Taxable base{{ document_tax.local_taxable_base }}When applicable, taxable base in the customer's currency, instead of the document’s currency.
Local amount {{ document_tax.local_amount }}When applicable, amount in the customer's currency, instead of the document’s currency.


Information about the document's payment. Iterating the collection with a variable called document_payment:

Date{{ }}Payment's date. Liquid date filters are available.
Amount{{ document_payment.amount }}Payment's amount. Output format: [amount] [currency ISO-code] (e.g. 235.00 USD)
Payment method{{ document_payment.payment_method_text }}Payment details.


Information about the contact, customer, or provider.

First name{{ contact.first_name }}First name.
Last name{{ contact.last_name }}Only when the contact is a person, not a company.
Full name{{ contact.full_name }}Full name.
Tax ID{{ contact.tax_id }}Business number.
Name of the contact person{{ contact.contact_person }}Only when the contact is a company.
Department{{ contact.department }}Only when the contact is a company.
Formatted address{{ contact.formatted_address }} 
First line of the street address{{ contact.street_line_1 }} 
Second line of the street address{{ contact.street_line_2 }} 
Postal code{{ contact.postal_code }}ZIP or postal code. 
City{{ }} 
Region{{ contact.region }} 
Country ISO code{{ }} 
Phone 1{{ contact.phone_1 }} 
Phone 2{{ contact.phone_2 }} 
E-mail address{{ }} 
Web address{{ contact.web }} 
EU member{{ contact.eu_member? }}Boolean. Returns true when the contact is based in the EU. Useful to show some legal texts.