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This reference documents every object and method available in Quaderno's browser-side JavaScript library, Quaderno.js.

You can use Quaderno.js to calculate taxes and validate tax IDs right on your frontend.

Including Quaderno.js

To get started, include this script on your pages — it should always be loaded directly from

  <script src=""></script>

Initializing Quaderno.js

For your convenience, there are a few different ways to initialize Quaderno.js.

With the automatic inits (simple and deferred) Quaderno.js attaches itself to the DOM, looking for data-quaderno attributes in your forms to automatically fill the options for calculateTaxes().

You can avoid this behavior using the custom init method.


Please note that we provide a differentiated publishable API key for Quaderno.js for security reasons. This public API key is different from your account's private API key, which should never be exposed on your frontend.

You can tell the difference by their naming:

  • private key starts with sk_, which stands for "secret key"
  • public key starts with pk_, which stands for "public key"

While the private API key is meant for being used server-side, secured in your backend, the public API key is only used by Quaderno.js, and only allow access to our tax calculations engine. No data can be leaked from your account with the public API key.

Simple automatic init

<script src=""></script>

<form id="quaderno-payment-form" data-publishable-key="pk_xxxxxxxx">
<select data-quaderno="country"></select>
<input data-quaderno="postalCode" />

Automatically loads quaderno.js if the form has the quaderno-payment-form id and a valid data-publishable-key. Optionally you can also set a data-product-id.

  • data-publishable-key: Your Quaderno public key. Remember to never expose your private API keys.

The input fields will be automatically detected as long as they have the data-quaderno with their definition:

  • postalCode (highly recommendable)
  • country (mandatory)
  • businessNumber
  • city
  • productId
  • amount
  • quantity
  • taxType
  • taxClass
  • productId
  • couponCode
  • sellerPostalCode
  • sellerCity
  • sellerCountry

Deferred automatic init

<script src=""></script>

<form id="payment-form" data-publishable-key="pk_xxxxxxxx" data-product-id="prod_xxxxxxxx">
<select data-quaderno="country"></select>
<input data-quaderno="postalCode" />
<!-- … -->

Quaderno.bindForm('#payment-form').then(function(response) {
console.log(error.description, error.messages);

If you don't want the form to load automatically, you can load it later by not using the "quaderno-payment-form" id, and then call the bindForm method whenever you want.

Custom init

    <label for="country">
<input id="country" name="country" value="ES" />

<label for="postal-code">
<span>Postal code</span>
<input id="postal-code" name="postal-code" value="35007" />

Quaderno.init(publishableKey).then(function() {
console.log('Quaderno.js successfully initialized');
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log(error.description, error.messages);

Futhermore, you can also dissociate Quaderno from the DOM by setting the Quaderno object properties by yourself.

This means you need to explicitly set your publishableKey as argument for the init call, instead of using the data-publishable-key html attribute in your form.

Afterwards, you'll need to specify all options for calculateTaxes().


When you include the Quaderno.js script in your page, a global Quaderno object will be available with the following methods:

init( publishableKey )

  // never expose your private API key on your frontend, use the public API key instead
console.log(error.description, error.messages);

Async request. Use this method to initialize the global object Quaderno.

Use init for initializing Quaderno.js unbinded from the UI, as explained in initializing Quaderno.js – Custom Init. This means you won't be using custom attributes like id="quaderno-payment-form" data-publishable-key="pk_xxxxxxxx" in your forms, but just pure javascript.

This method returns a Promise which resolves if the publishableKey verification was successful. If there's any issue, this method returns a Promise which rejects with an error object. This object has either:

  • error.description: A full description of the error.
  • error.messages: If present, it indicates the affected attribute and an specific error (ie. { email: "invalid", businessNumber: "invalid" }).

bindForm( formId )

  // to use along with the deferred automatic init
console.log(error.description, error.messages);

Async request. This method also initializes the global object Quaderno from a form object.

Use this method when you need to use your own id in your forms or when you want to not load the form with the page but later, in conjuction with the deferred automatic init.

If you want to completely detach from the UI and just use pure javascript, check Custom Init.

This method returns a Promise which resolves if the publishableKey verification was successful. If there's any issue, this method returns a Promise which rejects with an error object. This object has either:

  • error.description: A full description of the error.
  • error.messages: A brief description if each invalid attribute.

calculateTaxes( options )

  // use `options` along with Custom init
var options = { taxClass: 'eservice', postalCode: '123456', city: 'Dublin', country: 'IE' }

console.log(, taxObject.rate,; // ie. "VAT", 23, "IE"

Async request. Calculates the taxes based on the billing data from options object

Available options are documented below:

taxClassNoIndicates the tax class of the transaction.
postalCodeNoZIP or postal code.
cityNoThe customer's city. Used to make more accurate calculations based on the postal code
countryNoISO 3166-1 alpha-2
businessNumberNoA valid business number. Quaderno validates EU VAT numbers, ABN, and NZBN.
sellerPostalCodeNoZIP or postal code. The seller's postal code during the transaction. Defaults to your account postal code.
sellerCityNoThe of the seller's city during the transaction. Defaults to your account city
sellerCountryNoISO 3166-1 alpha-2. The seller's country during the transaction. Defaults to your account country
  <!-- no need to fill the `options` of calculateTaxes() with automatic inits -->
<form id="quaderno-payment-form" data-publishable-key="pk_xxxxxxxx">
<select data-quaderno="country"></select>
<input data-quaderno="postalCode" />

The options can be omitted if you've set a form using bindForm and the proper data-quaderno, or used the simple automatic init.

This method returns a Promise which resolves with a tax object.

Note that when you calculate taxes using our Tax Rates API, parameters follow a slighty different naming scheme:

Quaderno.jsTax Rates API

calculatePrice ([options])

  options = { amount: 100, quantity: 2 }
priceObject = Quaderno.calculatePrice(options);


Helper method which calculates the final price of the product, tax inclusive.

Available options are documented below:

amountNoAmount you are going to charge your customer, in cents.
quantityNoQuantity of the products.
taxTypeNoIf the tax is included or excluded

The options can be omitted if you've set a form using bindForm with its proper data-quaderno attributes, or if you've retrieved the product information from Quaderno with getProduct

This method returns a price object with the following attributes:

  • subtotal: the price without taxes and discounts.
  • taxes: the taxes amount.
  • total: the final amount.
  • discountedAmount: The discount amount.



Remove event listeners from the DOM elements. It might be useful if you have single-page apps and have tied the Quaderno object to a form via bindForm or the simple initialization.

getProduct( productId )

console.log(, product.unitCost, product.code);

Async request. Retrieve the product info identified by productId. Returns a product object in the resolve function.

You can register your products manually in or programatically with our API.

getCoupon( couponCode )


Async request. Retrieve the product info identified by couponCode. Returns a coupon object in the resolve function.

You can register your products manually in or programatically with our API.


  taxes = Quaderno.getLastTax();;

Reads the last calculated tax and returns a tax object.


This performant method allows you to avoid repeatedly calling our API during your checkout process when you know the parameters won't change. Please use it whenever you can!

validateBusinessNumber(businessNumber, country)

  Quaderno.validateBusinessNumber("GB1234567", "GB").then(function(response){

Async request. This method validates the customer's business number. Quaderno currently validates EU VAT numbers, ABN, and NZBN.

Please keep in mind that business numbers are not actually validated when using Quaderno Sandbox.

This method returns a result object with the following attribute:

  • result.valid: true (valid business number)
  • result.valid: false (invalid business number)
  • result.valid: null (the external validation service is temporarily unavailable).


This section documents the objects you'll receive from Quaderno.js.

The Tax object

This object is passed by the resolve function of the Promise returned by the Quaderno.calculateTaxes method or by invoking Quaderno.getLastTax.

countryA valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
countyCounty (only for US sales tax).
cityCity (only for US sales tax)
countyTaxCodeCounty tax code (if applicable on US sales taxes)
cityTaxCodeCity tax code (if applicable on US sales taxes)
nameName of the tax.
rateTax rate in percentage (6.5).
extraNameName of the extra tax.
extraRateTax rate in percentage of the extra tax.
taxClassThe tax class of the transaction. Can be one of the following: standard, eservice, ebook or saas.
businessNumberValidThis attribute is only present if you've set a businessNumber during the calculation request. It can be true, null or false.

The Product object

This object contains the relevant information related to the productID you've set. It's returned by the resolve function of Quaderno.getProduct.

codeThe product code in Quaderno.
nameThe name of the product.
imageURL to the image of the product.
unitCostUnit price of the product.
currencyA valid ISO-4271 code.
kindIndicates if the product is either a subscription or a one-off sale.
taxClassThe tax class for the product. Can be one of the following: standard, eservice, ebook or saas.
taxTypeIndicates if the tax is included or excluded from the product price.

The Coupon object

This object contains the relevant information related to the couponCode you've set. It's returned by the resolve function of Quaderno.getCoupon.

codeThe product code in Quaderno.
kindIndicates if the coupon is percent_off or amount_off
amountOffThe amount off.
currencyThe currency of the amount off.
percentOffThe percent off.
redeemableIndicates if the coupon is redeemable

Supported browsers

Quaderno.js strives to support all recent versions of major browsers. For the sake of security and providing the best experience to the majority of customers, we do not support browsers that are no longer receiving security updates and represent a small minority of traffic.

  • We support Internet Explorer and Edge per Microsoft's lifecycle policy.
  • We support Chrome and Safari on all platforms and Firefox on desktop platforms.
  • We support the Android native browser on Android 4.4 and later.
  • We respond to bug reports but do not proactively test other mobile browsers.